Getting Started with MELD

Running your first REMD run

In essence MELD provides a customizable way of running REMD. We can decide to change temperature, hamiltonian or both along the replica. In this tutorial you will learn the basic elements to run your first Replica exchange molecular Dynamics. We will create a script with all the python commands to setup a simulation.

Loading Some Helpful Modules

import numpy as np
import meld
from meld import unit as u

Setting up the system

You can setup your protein either from a pdb file or from sequence.

# Option 1: from a pdb file
protein = meld.AmberSubSystemFromPdbFile("example.pdb")

# Option 2: from sequence in a file
protein = meld.AmberSubSystemFromSequence("NALA ALA CALA")

# Option 3: from a sequence
sequence = meld.get_sequence_from_AA1(filename='sequence.dat')
protein = meld.AmberSubSystemFromSequence(sequence)

Once we have the protein system we have to specify a force field. Current options are ff12sb, ff14sbside, or ff14sb. We can also chose the implicit solvent model, in this case gbNeck2.

We also need to setup various options about how the simulation will be run, including the timestep and any nonbonded cutoffs. By setting use_big_testep, we will be using a 3.5 fs timestep with hydrogen mass repartitioning.

build_options = meld.AmberOptions(
builder = system.AmberSystemBuilder(build_options)

Now we generate the system:

system = builder.build_system([protein]).finalize()

At this point we can start defining different ways to setup the replica ladders. In MELD we have a parameter called alpha, with values between [0,1] which map on to the replica ladder. The lowest replica will always have alpha=1.0, whereas the highest replica will have alpha=1.0. The intermediate replcias will initial linearly interpolate between these values and will be modified adaptively during the simualtion to attain approximately equal average acceptance probabilities between adjacent replicas.

The various properties of the system, e.g. temperatures or force constants, are set based on alpha through the use of scalers.

We will use a geometric scaling of the temperatures. As an initial example let us setup a temparature replica ladder that will cover the whole replica space going from 300K to 450K.

system.temperature_scaler = meld.GeometricTemperatureScaler(0, 1.0, 300., 450.)

Next, we will specify some options for the system. The timesteps parameter controls the number of molecular dynamics steps between exchanges. Since we set use_big_timestep the value of 14_286 corresponds to 50 ps between exchanges. The system will be minimized for minimize_steps before the simulation starts.

options = meld.RunOptions(
    timesteps = 14_286
    minimize_steps = 20_000,

Setting up replica exchange

Next, we need to setup replica exchange. The main parameters to set are: the total number of rounds of simulation to run n_steps, the number of replicas n_replicas, the number of trials per replica exchange step n_trials (defaults to n_replicas**2). There are also various options for setting adaptation of alpha, but the defaults should generally work fine.

In this case, we’re doing 5000 steps of replica exchange, each with 50 ps of molecular dynamics, for a total of 250 ns.

remd = meld.setup_replica_exchange(system, n_replicas=4, n_steps=5000)

Storing simulation output

Finally, we need to store all of this setup information to disk in preparation for running the calculation

meld.setup_data_store(system, options, remd)

Full setup script

The full setup script should be saved as something like

import numpy as np
import meld
from meld import unit as u

protein = meld.AmberSubSystemFromSequence("NALA ALA CALA")

build_options = meld.AmberOptions(
    cutoff=1.8 * u.nanometer
builder = system.AmberSystemBuilder(build_options)

system = builder.build_system([protein]).finalize()
system.temperature_scaler = meld.GeometricTemperatureScaler(0, 1.0, 300. * u.kelvin, 450. * u.kelvin)

options = meld.RunOptions(
    timesteps = 14_286
    minimize_steps = 20_000,
remd = meld.setup_replica_exchange(system, n_replicas=4, n_steps=5000)
meld.setup_data_store(system, options, remd)

Running the system

After executing python you should get a Data directory with all the files needed to run MELD. Use your queing system to submit an MPI job with the number of replicas you have indicated. Currently, we need one GPU for each replica.

aprun -n 2 -N 1 launch_remd --debug

For debugging purposes, it is also possible to run locally on a laptop or workstation, although this can be very slow.

launch_remd_multiplex --debug --platform CUDA

You can replace CUDA with Reference if you do not have a GPU, athough this will be quite slow.