Source code for meld.system.patchers.spin_label

Add virtual spin labels to the system.

from copy import copy

import numpy as np  # type: ignore
import openmm as mm  # type: ignore
from openmm import app
from openmm import unit as u  # type: ignore

from meld.system import indexing
from import SystemSpec

[docs]def add_virtual_spin_label( spec: SystemSpec, residue: indexing.ResidueIndex, label_type="OND", trials=20 ) -> SystemSpec: """ Adds a virtual spin label to the system. Args: spec: The system specification to modify. residue: The residue to add the spin label to. label_type: The type of spin label to add. trials: The number of Monte Carlo trials to use when adding the spin label. Returns: A modified system specification with an added spin label. """ if spec.builder_info["builder"] == "amber": return _add_virtual_spin_label_amber(spec, residue, label_type, trials) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported SystemSpec type for virtual spin label")
def _add_virtual_spin_label_amber( spec: SystemSpec, residue: app.Residue, label_type: str, trials: int ): assert label_type == "OND" # Find the insertion point residue_ind = int(residue) residues = list(spec.topology.residues()) residue = residues[residue_ind] insertion_point = max(a.index for a in residue.atoms()) + 1 system = _create_spin_label_system( spec.system, spec.topology, residue, insertion_point, label_type ) coords = _create_spin_label_coords( spec.coordinates, system, residue, insertion_point, trials, ) vels = _create_spin_label_vels(spec.velocities, insertion_point) topology = _create_spin_label_topology(spec.topology, residue, insertion_point) return SystemSpec( spec.solvation, system, topology, spec.integrator, spec.barostat, coords, vels, spec.box_vectors, spec.builder_info, ) def _create_spin_label_system( old_system: mm.System, topology: app.Topology, residue: app.Residue, insertion_point: int, label_type: str, ): system = mm.System() # Add the particles to the system for i in range(insertion_point): mass = old_system.getParticleMass(i) system.addParticle(mass) system.addParticle(12.0) # Add the spin label for i in range(insertion_point, old_system.getNumParticles()): mass = old_system.getParticleMass(i) system.addParticle(mass) # Update the constraints for i in range(old_system.getNumConstraints()): p1, p2, dist = old_system.getConstraintParameters(i) system.addConstraint( p1 + 1 if p1 >= insertion_point else p1, p2 + 1 if p2 >= insertion_point else p2, dist, ) forces = old_system.getForces() # Create the custom angle force for the restricted angle potential # if one does not exist. force_names = [f.getName() for f in old_system.getForces()] if not "virtual_spin_label_angle" in force_names: custom_angle = mm.CustomAngleForce("0.5*k*(theta - theta0)^2 / sin(theta)^2") custom_angle.setName("virtual_spin_label_angle") custom_angle.addPerAngleParameter("theta0") custom_angle.addPerAngleParameter("k") forces.append(custom_angle) for force in forces: if isinstance(force, mm.NonbondedForce): _handle_spin_label_nonbonded(force, system, insertion_point, label_type) # elif isinstance(force, mm.GBSAOBCForce): # _handle_spin_label_obc(force, system, insertion_point, label_type) elif isinstance(force, mm.CustomGBForce): _handle_spin_label_customgb( force, system, topology, insertion_point, label_type ) elif isinstance(force, mm.GBSAOBCForce): _handle_spin_label_obc(force, system, topology, insertion_point, label_type) elif isinstance(force, mm.HarmonicBondForce): _handle_spin_label_harmonic_bond( force, system, residue, insertion_point, label_type ) elif isinstance(force, mm.HarmonicAngleForce): _handle_spin_label_harmonic_angle( force, system, residue, insertion_point, label_type ) elif ( isinstance(force, mm.CustomAngleForce) and force.getName() == "virtual_spin_label_angle" ): _handle_spin_label_custom_angle( force, system, residue, insertion_point, label_type ) elif isinstance(force, mm.PeriodicTorsionForce): _handle_spin_label_periodic_torsion( force, system, residue, insertion_point, label_type ) elif isinstance(force, mm.CMMotionRemover): _handle_spin_label_cmmotionremover(force, system) elif isinstance(force, mm.CMAPTorsionForce): _handle_spin_label_cmap(force, system, insertion_point) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported force type {force}") return system def _handle_spin_label_nonbonded( force: mm.NonbondedForce, system: mm.System, insertion_point: int, label_type: str ): new_force = mm.NonbondedForce() for i in range(insertion_point): q, sigma, eps = force.getParticleParameters(i) new_force.addParticle(q, sigma, eps) # We should be using the label type here, but we currently # only support OND, so we can hard code. new_force.addParticle( 0.0, 4.0 * u.angstrom * 2 ** (-1 / 6), # convert from rmin to sigma 0.05 * u.kilocalorie_per_mole, ) for i in range(insertion_point, force.getNumParticles()): q, sigma, eps = force.getParticleParameters(i) new_force.addParticle(q, sigma, eps) # Update exceptions for i in range(force.getNumExceptions()): ind1, ind2, qq, sigma, eps = force.getExceptionParameters(i) new_force.addException( ind1 + 1 if ind1 >= insertion_point else ind1, ind2 + 1 if ind2 >= insertion_point else ind2, qq, sigma, eps, ) # Note that this does not handle all of the possible functionality of # NonbondedForce. We only handle what MELD currently uses, so this may # need updating in the future. # Update parameters new_force.setExceptionsUsePeriodicBoundaryConditions( force.getExceptionsUsePeriodicBoundaryConditions() ) new_force.setCutoffDistance(force.getCutoffDistance()) new_force.setEwaldErrorTolerance(force.getEwaldErrorTolerance()) new_force.setNonbondedMethod(force.getNonbondedMethod()) new_force.setReactionFieldDielectric(force.getReactionFieldDielectric()) new_force.setSwitchingDistance(force.getSwitchingDistance()) new_force.setUseSwitchingFunction(force.getUseSwitchingFunction()) new_force.setUseDispersionCorrection(force.getUseDispersionCorrection()) alpha, nx, ny, nz = force.getPMEParameters() new_force.setPMEParameters(alpha, nx, ny, nz) system.addForce(new_force) def _handle_spin_label_customgb( force: mm.CustomGBForce, system: mm.System, topology: app.Topology, insertion_point: int, label_type: str, ): new_force = mm.CustomGBForce() # Copy tabulated functions for i in range(force.getNumTabulatedFunctions()): name = force.getTabulatedFunctionName(i) func = copy(force.getTabulatedFunction(i)) new_force.addTabulatedFunction(name, func) # Copy per-particle parameters for i in range(force.getNumPerParticleParameters()): name = force.getPerParticleParameterName(i) new_force.addPerParticleParameter(name) # Copy computed values for i in range(force.getNumComputedValues()): name, expr, val_type = force.getComputedValueParameters(i) new_force.addComputedValue(name, expr, val_type) # Copy energy terms for i in range(force.getNumEnergyTerms()): expr, val_type = force.getEnergyTermParameters(i) new_force.addEnergyTerm(expr, val_type) # Copy particles for i in range(insertion_point): new_force.addParticle(force.getParticleParameters(i)) # Add the spin label. This should be based on label_type, but we only # support OND for now, so we can hard code. We base the parameters # on oxygen, so we need to find an oxygen to copy the parameters # from. oxygen_index = _find_oxygen(topology) oxygen_params = list(force.getParticleParameters(oxygen_index)) oxygen_params[0] = 0.0 # set the charge to zero new_force.addParticle(oxygen_params) # Copy remaining particles for i in range(insertion_point, force.getNumParticles()): new_force.addParticle(force.getParticleParameters(i)) # Update exclusions for i in range(force.getNumExclusions()): ind1, ind2 = force.getExclusionParticles(i) new_force.addExclusion( ind1 + 1 if ind1 >= insertion_point else ind1, ind2 + 1 if ind2 >= insertion_point else ind2, ) # Copy over settings new_force.setCutoffDistance(force.getCutoffDistance()) new_force.setNonbondedMethod(force.getNonbondedMethod()) system.addForce(new_force) def _handle_spin_label_obc( force: mm.GBSAOBCForce, system: mm.System, topology: app.Topology, insertion_point: int, label_type: str, ): new_force = mm.GBSAOBCForce() # Copy particles for i in range(insertion_point): q, r, s = force.getParticleParameters(i) new_force.addParticle(q, r, s) # Add the spin label. This should be based on label_type, but we only # support OND for now, so we can hard code. We base the parameters # on oxygen, so we need to find an oxygen to copy the parameters # from. oxygen_index = _find_oxygen(topology) _, r, s = force.getParticleParameters(oxygen_index) new_force.addParticle(0.0, r, s) # Copy remaining particles for i in range(insertion_point, force.getNumParticles()): q, r, s = force.getParticleParameters(i) new_force.addParticle(q, r, s) # Update settings new_force.setCutoffDistance(force.getCutoffDistance()) new_force.setNonbondedMethod(force.getNonbondedMethod()) new_force.setSolventDielectric(force.getSolventDielectric()) new_force.setSoluteDielectric(force.getSoluteDielectric()) new_force.setSurfaceAreaEnergy(force.getSurfaceAreaEnergy()) system.addForce(new_force) def _handle_spin_label_harmonic_bond( force: mm.HarmonicBondForce, system: mm.System, residue: app.Residue, insertion_point: int, label_type: str, ): new_force = mm.HarmonicBondForce() for i in range(force.getNumBonds()): ind1, ind2, length, k = force.getBondParameters(i) new_force.addBond( ind1 + 1 if ind1 >= insertion_point else ind1, ind2 + 1 if ind2 >= insertion_point else ind2, length, k, ) # Add in the bond. We should use the label type, but # we only support OND, so we can hard code. ca_index = _find_atom_by_name(residue, "CA").index new_force.addBond( ca_index, insertion_point, 7.9 * u.angstrom, 1.0 * u.kilocalorie_per_mole / u.angstrom**2, # CHARMM does not have factor of 0.5 ) new_force.setUsesPeriodicBoundaryConditions(force.usesPeriodicBoundaryConditions()) system.addForce(new_force) def _handle_spin_label_harmonic_angle( force: mm.HarmonicAngleForce, system: mm.System, residue: app.Residue, insertion_point: int, label_type: str, ): new_force = mm.HarmonicAngleForce() for i in range(force.getNumAngles()): ind1, ind2, ind3, angle, k = force.getAngleParameters(i) new_force.addAngle( ind1 + 1 if ind1 >= insertion_point else ind1, ind2 + 1 if ind2 >= insertion_point else ind2, ind3 + 1 if ind3 >= insertion_point else ind3, angle, k, ) new_force.setUsesPeriodicBoundaryConditions(force.usesPeriodicBoundaryConditions()) system.addForce(new_force) def _handle_spin_label_custom_angle( force: mm.HarmonicAngleForce, system: mm.System, residue: app.Residue, insertion_point: int, label_type: str, ): new_force = mm.CustomAngleForce("0.5*k*(theta - theta0)^2 / sqrt(sin(theta))") new_force.setName("virtual_spin_label_angle") new_force.addPerAngleParameter("theta0") new_force.addPerAngleParameter("k") # Add all of the old angles for i in range(force.getNumAngles()): ind1, ind2, ind3, params = force.getAngleParameters(i) new_force.addAngle( ind1 + 1 if ind1 >= insertion_point else ind1, ind2 + 1 if ind2 >= insertion_point else ind2, ind3 + 1 if ind3 >= insertion_point else ind3, params, ) # Add in the angle. We should use the label type, but # we only support OND, so we can hard code. ca_index = _find_atom_by_name(residue, "CA").index cb_index = _find_atom_by_name(residue, "CB").index new_force.addAngle( cb_index, ca_index, insertion_point, [ 46.0 *, 2.0 * u.kilocalorie_per_mole / u.radian**2, # CHARMM does not have factor of 0.5 ], ) new_force.setUsesPeriodicBoundaryConditions(force.usesPeriodicBoundaryConditions()) system.addForce(new_force) def _handle_spin_label_periodic_torsion( force: mm.PeriodicTorsionForce, system: mm.System, residue: app.Residue, insertion_point: int, label_type: str, ): new_force = mm.PeriodicTorsionForce() for i in range(force.getNumTorsions()): ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4, period, phase, k = force.getTorsionParameters(i) new_force.addTorsion( ind1 + 1 if ind1 >= insertion_point else ind1, ind2 + 1 if ind2 >= insertion_point else ind2, ind3 + 1 if ind3 >= insertion_point else ind3, ind4 + 1 if ind4 >= insertion_point else ind4, period, phase, k, ) # Add in the bond. We should use the label type, but # we only support OND, so we can hard code. n_index = _find_atom_by_name(residue, "N").index ca_index = _find_atom_by_name(residue, "CA").index cb_index = _find_atom_by_name(residue, "CB").index new_force.addTorsion( insertion_point, cb_index, ca_index, n_index, 1, 43.0 *, 1.9 * u.kilocalorie_per_mole, ) new_force.setUsesPeriodicBoundaryConditions(force.usesPeriodicBoundaryConditions()) system.addForce(new_force) def _handle_spin_label_cmmotionremover(force: mm.CMMotionRemover, system: mm.System): new_force = mm.CMMotionRemover() new_force.setFrequency(force.getFrequency()) system.addForce(new_force) def _handle_spin_label_cmap( force: mm.CMAPTorsionForce, system: mm.System, insertion_point: int ): new_force = mm.CMAPTorsionForce() # Copy over the maps for i in range(force.getNumMaps()): size, energy = force.getMapParameters(i) new_force.addMap(size, energy) for i in range(force.getNumTorsions()): map, a1, a2, a3, a4, b1, b2, b3, b4 = force.getTorsionParameters(i) new_force.addTorsion( map, a1 + 1 if a1 >= insertion_point else a1, a2 + 1 if a2 >= insertion_point else a2, a3 + 1 if a3 >= insertion_point else a3, a4 + 1 if a4 >= insertion_point else a4, b1 + 1 if b1 >= insertion_point else b1, b2 + 1 if b2 >= insertion_point else b2, b3 + 1 if b3 >= insertion_point else b3, b4 + 1 if b4 >= insertion_point else b4, ) new_force.setUsesPeriodicBoundaryConditions(force.usesPeriodicBoundaryConditions()) system.addForce(new_force) def _find_atom_by_name(residue: app.Residue, name: str) -> app.Atom: for atom in residue.atoms(): if == name: return atom raise RuntimeError("Could not find CA atom in residue") def _find_oxygen(topology: app.Topology) -> int: for atom in topology.atoms(): if atom.element.symbol == "O": return atom.index raise RuntimeError("Could not find oxygen to copy parameters from.") def _create_spin_label_coords( old_coords: np.ndarray, system: mm.System, residue: app.Residue, insertion_point: int, trials: int, ) -> np.ndarray: ca_index = _find_atom_by_name(residue, "CA").index ca_coords = old_coords[ca_index, :] # Decide on the new position using MC integrator = mm.LangevinIntegrator(300.0, 1.0, 1.0) context = mm.Context(system, integrator) best_energy = 9e99 best_coords = None for _ in range(trials): direction = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, 3) direction = direction / np.linalg.norm(direction) magnitude = np.random.normal(0.79, 0.125) label_position = ca_coords + magnitude * direction trial_coords = np.concatenate( [ old_coords[:insertion_point, :], label_position.reshape(1, 3), old_coords[insertion_point:, :], ], axis=0, ) context.setPositions(trial_coords) state = context.getState(getEnergy=True) energy = state.getPotentialEnergy().value_in_unit(u.kilojoules_per_mole) if energy < best_energy: best_energy = energy best_coords = trial_coords assert best_coords is not None return best_coords def _create_spin_label_vels(old_vels: np.ndarray, insertion_point: int) -> np.ndarray: return np.concatenate( [ old_vels[:insertion_point, :], np.zeros((1, 3)), old_vels[insertion_point:, :], ], axis=0, ) def _create_spin_label_topology( old_topology: app.Topology, label_residue: app.Residue, insertion_point: int ) -> app.Topology: new_topology = app.Topology() # Re-create all chains chain_map = {} for chain in old_topology.chains(): new_chain = new_topology.addChain( chain_map[chain] = new_chain # Re-create all residues res_map = {} for residue in old_topology.residues(): new_residue = new_topology.addResidue(, chain_map[residue.chain], insertionCode=residue.insertionCode ) res_map[residue] = new_residue # Add atoms before label atoms = list(old_topology.atoms()) atom_map = {} for atom in atoms[:insertion_point]: new_atom = new_topology.addAtom(, atom.element, res_map[atom.residue]) atom_map[atom] = new_atom # Add in spin label spin_label = new_topology.addAtom( "OND", app.Element.getBySymbol("C"), res_map[label_residue] ) # Add remaining atoms for atom in atoms[insertion_point:]: new_atom = new_topology.addAtom(, atom.element, res_map[atom.residue]) atom_map[atom] = new_atom # Re-create all the bonds for bond in old_topology.bonds(): new_topology.addBond( atom_map[bond.atom1], atom_map[bond.atom2], order=bond.order, type=bond.type ) new_topology.addBond(spin_label, atom_map[_find_atom_by_name(label_residue, "CA")]) return new_topology