Source code for meld.system.patchers.rdc_alignment

Add RDC alignments to the system

import math

import openmm as mm  # type: ignore
from openmm import unit as u

from import SystemSpec

GAS_CONSTANT = 8.314e-3

[docs]def add_rdc_alignment( spec: SystemSpec, num_alignments: int, alignment_mass: float = 1000.0, scale_factor: float = 1.0e-4, ) -> SystemSpec: """ Add RDC alignments to the system Args: spec: system specification to modify num_alignments: number of alignments to add alignment_step_size: step size for alignment tensor update scale_factor: scale factor for the alignment tensor Returns: the modified system specification Note: The alignment tensor is encoded as five independent components, s1 through s5. The components can be combined to produce the aligmnet tensor as follows:: s1 - s2 s3 s4 s3 -s1 - s2 s5 s4 s5 2*s2 Note: The values of the alignment tensor are typically on the order of 1e-4. Setting `scale_factor=1e-4` serves to scale these values to be on the order of unity. Note: The mass of alignment tensor determines how quickly the alignment tensor responds to changes in the structure. A mass that is too small will result instability and crashes. A mass that is too large will lead to slow exploration as the alignment tensor will change very slowly. The default value of 1000.0 is a reasonable compromise that results in the alignment tensor changing over ~10-20 ps. """ assert num_alignments > 0, "Must add at least one alignment" assert alignment_mass > 0, "Alignment mass must be positive" if not isinstance(spec.integrator, mm.LangevinIntegrator): raise ValueError( f"When adding RDC alignment, expected a LangevinIntegrator, but found a {type(spec.integrator)}" ) old_integrator = spec.integrator new_integrator = _create_rdc_integrator( num_alignments, old_integrator.getTemperature(), old_integrator.getFriction(), old_integrator.getStepSize(), alignment_mass, ) builder_info = spec.builder_info assert "has_alignments" not in builder_info builder_info["has_alignments"] = True builder_info["num_alignments"] = num_alignments builder_info["alignment_scale_factor"] = scale_factor return SystemSpec( spec.solvation, spec.system, spec.topology, new_integrator, spec.barostat, spec.coordinates, spec.velocities, spec.box_vectors, builder_info, )
def _create_rdc_integrator( num_alignments, temperature, friction, timestep, alignment_mass ): assert num_alignments > 0 if isinstance(temperature, u.Quantity): temperature = temperature.value_in_unit(u.kelvin) assert temperature > 0 if isinstance(friction, u.Quantity): friction = friction.value_in_unit((1 / u.picosecond).unit) assert friction > 0 if isinstance(timestep, u.Quantity): timestep = timestep.value_in_unit(u.picosecond) assert timestep > 0 integrator = mm.CustomIntegrator(timestep) # Setup variables integrator.addGlobalVariable("a", math.exp(-friction * timestep)) integrator.addGlobalVariable("b", math.sqrt(1 - math.exp(-2 * friction * timestep))) integrator.addGlobalVariable("kT", GAS_CONSTANT * temperature) # Add in the alignment tensor components for i in range(num_alignments): for j in range(5): integrator.addGlobalVariable(f"rdc_{i}_s{j + 1}_vel", 0.0) integrator.addPerDofVariable("x1", 0) # Steps during integration integrator.addUpdateContextState() integrator.addComputePerDof("v", "v + dt*f/m") for i in range(num_alignments): for j in range(5): integrator.addComputeGlobal( f"rdc_{i}_s{j + 1}_vel", f"rdc_{i}_s{j + 1}_vel - dt * deriv(energy, rdc_{i}_s{j + 1}) / {alignment_mass}", ) integrator.addConstrainVelocities() integrator.addComputePerDof("x", "x + 0.5*dt*v") for i in range(num_alignments): for j in range(5): integrator.addComputeGlobal( f"rdc_{i}_s{j + 1}", f"rdc_{i}_s{j + 1} + 0.5*dt*rdc_{i}_s{j + 1}_vel", ) integrator.addComputePerDof("v", "a*v + b*sqrt(kT/m)*gaussian") for i in range(num_alignments): for j in range(5): integrator.addComputeGlobal( f"rdc_{i}_s{j + 1}_vel", f"a*rdc_{i}_s{j + 1}_vel + b*sqrt(kT/{alignment_mass})*gaussian", ) integrator.addComputePerDof("x", "x + 0.5*dt*v") for i in range(num_alignments): for j in range(5): integrator.addComputeGlobal( f"rdc_{i}_s{j + 1}", f"rdc_{i}_s{j + 1} + 0.5*dt*rdc_{i}_s{j + 1}_vel", ) integrator.addComputePerDof("x1", "x") integrator.addConstrainPositions() integrator.addComputePerDof("v", "v + (x-x1)/dt") return integrator