# Copyright 2015 by Justin MacCallum, Alberto Perez, Ken Dill
# All rights reserved
A module to implement basic Monte Carlo moves.
These are primarily useful during initialization to
remove bad geometry.
import math
import random
from typing import List, Tuple
import numpy as np # type: ignore
from meld import interfaces
from meld.system import indexing
[docs]class MonteCarloScheduler:
Weighted random selection of Monte Carlo moves
[docs] def __init__(
self, movers_with_weights: List[Tuple[Mover, float]], update_trials: int
Initialize a MonteCarloscheduler
movers_with_weights: a list of tuples of moves and weights
update_trials: number of trials to perform
Weights do not need to be normalized.
self.update_trials = update_trials
self._movers_with_weights = movers_with_weights
self.trial_counts = np.zeros(len(self._movers_with_weights))
self.accepted_counts = np.zeros(len(self._movers_with_weights))
[docs] def update(
starting_state: interfaces.IState,
runner: interfaces.IRunner,
) -> interfaces.IState:
Perform a series of Monte Carlo moves
starting_state: initial state of system
runner: runner to evaluate energies
the system state after Monte Carlo trials
current_state = starting_state
for trial in range(self.update_trials):
# choose a mover
mover, index = self._choose_mover()
self.trial_counts[index] += 1
# execute trial
current_state, accepted = mover.trial(current_state, runner)
if accepted:
self.accepted_counts[index] += 1
return current_state
def _choose_mover(self):
total = sum(w for c, w in self._movers_with_weights)
r = random.uniform(0, total)
upto = 0
for i, (c, w) in enumerate(self._movers_with_weights):
if upto + w >= r:
return c, i
upto += w
assert False, "Should never get here"
[docs]class RandomTorsionMover(Mover):
Rotate a torsion to a random angle
[docs] def __init__(
index1: indexing.AtomIndex,
index2: indexing.AtomIndex,
atom_indices: List[indexing.AtomIndex],
Initialize a RandomTorsionMover
index1: index of atom to rotate around
index2: index of second atom to rotate around
atom_indices: list of atom indices that should be rotated
assert isinstance(index1, indexing.AtomIndex)
assert isinstance(index2, indexing.AtomIndex)
self.index1 = index1
self.index2 = index2
for atom in atom_indices:
assert isinstance(atom, indexing.AtomIndex)
self.atom_indices = atom_indices
[docs] def trial(
self, state: interfaces.IState, runner: interfaces.IRunner
) -> Tuple[interfaces.IState, bool]:
Perform a Metropolis trial
starting_state: initial state of system
runner: runner to evaluate energies
the system state after Monte Carlo trials
starting_positions = state.positions.copy()
starting_energy = state.energy
angle = _generate_uniform_angle()
trial_positions = starting_positions.copy()
trial_positions[self.atom_indices, :] = _rotate_around_vector(
starting_positions[self.index1, :],
starting_positions[self.index2, :],
starting_positions[self.atom_indices, :],
state.positions = trial_positions
trial_energy = runner.get_energy(state)
accepted = _metropolis(starting_energy, trial_energy, 0.0)
if accepted:
state.energy = trial_energy
state.positions = trial_positions
state.energy = starting_energy
state.positions = starting_positions
return state, accepted
[docs]class DoubleTorsionMover(Mover):
A class to move pairs of torsions
[docs] def __init__(
index1a: indexing.AtomIndex,
index1b: indexing.AtomIndex,
atom_indices1: List[indexing.AtomIndex],
index2a: indexing.AtomIndex,
index2b: indexing.AtomIndex,
atom_indices2: List[indexing.AtomIndex],
Initialize a DoubleTorsionMover
index1a: first atom of first bond
index1b: second atom of first bond
atom_indices1: atoms to rotate around first bond
index2a: first atom of second bond
index2b: second atom of second bond
atom_indices2 : atoms to rotate around second bond
assert isinstance(index1a, indexing.AtomIndex)
assert isinstance(index1b, indexing.AtomIndex)
assert isinstance(index2a, indexing.AtomIndex)
assert isinstance(index2b, indexing.AtomIndex)
for atom in atom_indices1:
assert isinstance(atom, indexing.AtomIndex)
for atom in atom_indices2:
assert isinstance(atom, indexing.AtomIndex)
self.index1a = index1a
self.index1b = index1b
self.atom_indices1 = atom_indices1
self.index2a = index2a
self.index2b = index2b
self.atom_indices2 = atom_indices2
[docs] def trial(
self, state: interfaces.IState, runner: interfaces.IRunner
) -> Tuple[interfaces.IState, bool]:
Perform a Metropolis trial
starting_state: initial state of system
runner: runner to evaluate energies
the system state after Monte Carlo trials
starting_positions = state.positions.copy()
starting_energy = state.energy
angle1 = _generate_uniform_angle()
angle2 = _generate_uniform_angle()
trial_positions = starting_positions.copy()
trial_positions[self.atom_indices1, :] = _rotate_around_vector(
starting_positions[self.index1a, :],
starting_positions[self.index1b, :],
starting_positions[self.atom_indices1, :],
trial_positions[self.atom_indices2, :] = _rotate_around_vector(
trial_positions[self.index2a, :],
trial_positions[self.index2b, :],
trial_positions[self.atom_indices2, :],
state.positions = trial_positions
trial_energy = runner.get_energy(state)
accepted = _metropolis(starting_energy, trial_energy, 0.0)
if accepted:
state.energy = trial_energy
state.positions = trial_positions
state.energy = starting_energy
state.positions = starting_positions
return state, accepted
[docs]class TranslationMover(Mover):
Translate a chain
[docs] def __init__(self, atom_indices: List[indexing.AtomIndex], move_size: float = 0.1):
Initialize a TranslationMover
atom_indices: atom indices to move
move_size: standard deviation of random move in nanometers
self.atom_indices = atom_indices
self.move_size = move_size
[docs] def trial(
self, state: interfaces.IState, runner: interfaces.IRunner
) -> Tuple[interfaces.IState, bool]:
Perform a Metropolis trial
starting_state: initial state of system
runner: runner to evaluate energies
the system state after Monte Carlo trials
starting_positions = state.positions.copy()
starting_energy = state.energy
trial_positions = starting_positions.copy()
random_vector = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=self.move_size, size=3)
trial_positions[self.atom_indices, :] += random_vector
state.positions = trial_positions
trial_energy = runner.get_energy(state)
accepted = _metropolis(starting_energy, trial_energy, bias=0.0)
if accepted:
state.energy = trial_energy
state.positions = trial_positions
state.energy = starting_energy
state.positions = starting_positions
return state, accepted
def _rotate_around_vector(
p1: np.ndarray, p2: np.ndarray, angle: float, points: np.ndarray
) -> np.ndarray:
Rotate points around a vector
p1: first point on axis to rotate around
p2: second point on axis to rotate around
angle: angle in degrees
points: array of shape (n_atoms, 3)
rotated array of shape (n_atoms, 3)
direction = p2 - p1
angle = angle / 180.0 * math.pi
rot_mat = _rotation_matrix(angle, direction, point=p1)
return _covert_from_homogeneous(np.dot(_convert_to_homogeneous(points), rot_mat))
def _metropolis(current_energy: float, trial_energy: float, bias: float) -> bool:
Perform a Metropolis accept/reject step.
current_energy: current energy in units of kT
trial_energy: energy of trial in units of kT
bias: negative log of ratio of forward and reverse move probabilities
Indicates if step should be accepted
total_trial = trial_energy + bias
delta = total_trial - current_energy
if delta <= 0:
return True
metrop = math.exp(-delta)
rand = random.random()
if rand <= metrop:
return True
return False
def _generate_uniform_angle() -> float:
Generate a uniform angle in (0, 360]
a random angle
return 360.0 * random.random()
def _rotation_matrix(angle, direction, point=None):
Adapted from transformations.py
(C) 2006-2014 Christoph Gohlke
sina = math.sin(angle)
cosa = math.cos(angle)
direction = direction[:3] / np.linalg.norm(direction[:3])
# rotation matrix around unit vector
R = np.diag([cosa, cosa, cosa])
R += np.outer(direction, direction) * (1.0 - cosa)
direction *= sina
R += np.array(
[0.0, -direction[2], direction[1]],
[direction[2], 0.0, -direction[0]],
[-direction[1], direction[0], 0.0],
M = np.identity(4)
M[:3, :3] = R
if point is not None:
# rotation not around origin
point = np.array(point[:3], dtype=np.float64, copy=False)
M[:3, 3] = point - np.dot(R, point)
return M.T
def _convert_to_homogeneous(coords):
homogeneous = np.ones((coords.shape[0], 4))
homogeneous[:, :3] = coords
return homogeneous
def _covert_from_homogeneous(coords):
return coords[:, :3]