Source code for meld.system.indexing

Look up atom and residue indices.

The :class:`Indexer` class is the main object for performing
indexing look ups.

An :class:`AtomIndex` is a zero-based absolute atom index.
A :class:`ResidueIndex` is a zero-based absolute residue index.

from typing import Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple

class _ChainInfo(NamedTuple):
    residues: Dict[int, int]
    "maps from index_within_chain to global_index"

class _SubSystemInfo(NamedTuple):
    n_residues: int
    "number of residues in this subsystem"
    chains: List[_ChainInfo]
    "a list of chains in the subsystem"

# We create AtomIndex and ResidueIndex classes that just
# wrap int. This allows us to check elsewhere in the code
# that we're getting the right type of index.
[docs]class AtomIndex(int): """ Zero-based absolute atom index. Usually, you should get this through `system.atom_index`, but if you are _sure_ you know what you are doing, you can construct directly via `AtomIndex(index)`. """ pass
[docs]class ResidueIndex(int): """ Zero-based absolute residue index. Usually, you should get this through `system.residue_index`, but if you are _sure_ you know what you are doing, you can construct directly via `ResidueIndex(index)`. """ pass
# # Dictionary to cannonicalize residue names # cannonicalize = { "HID": "HIS", "HIE": "HIS", "HIP": "HIS", "ASH": "ASP", "GLH": "GLU", "LYN": "LYS", "CYX": "CYS", }
[docs]class Indexer: """ An object for performing atom and residue index lookups. """
[docs] def __init__( self, abs_atom_index: Dict[Tuple[int, str], int], rel_residue_index: Dict[Tuple[int, int], int], residue_names: List[str], abs_resid_to_resname: Dict[int, str], ): """ Initialize an Indexer object. Args: abs_atom_index: maps (resid, atom_name) to atomid rel_residue_index: maps (chainid, rel_resid) to resid residue_names: residue name for each atom abs_resid_to_resname: maps resid to resname """ self.abs_atom_index = abs_atom_index self.rel_residue_index = rel_residue_index self.residue_names = residue_names self.abs_resid_to_resname = abs_resid_to_resname
[docs] def residue( self, resid: int, expected_resname: Optional[str] = None, chainid: Optional[int] = None, one_based: bool = False, ) -> ResidueIndex: """ Find the :class:`ResidueIndex` The indexing can be either absolute (if `chainid` is `None`), or relative to a chain (if `chainid` is set). Both `resid` and `chainid` are one-based if `one_based` is `True`, or both are zero-based if `one_based=False` (the default). If `expected_resname` is specified, error checking will be performed to ensure that the returned atom has the expected residue name. Note that the residue names are those after processing with `tleap`, so some residue names may not match their value in an input pdb file. Args: resid: the residue index to lookup expected_resname: the expected residue name, usually three all-caps characters, e.g. "ALA". chainid: the chain id to lookup one_based: use one-based indexing Returns: zero-based absolute residue index """ if chainid is None: if one_based: res_index = resid - 1 else: res_index = resid else: if one_based: res_index = self.rel_residue_index[(chainid - 1, resid - 1)] else: res_index = self.rel_residue_index[(chainid, resid)] if expected_resname is not None: actual_resname = self.abs_resid_to_resname[res_index] if actual_resname in cannonicalize: actual_resname = cannonicalize[actual_resname] if actual_resname != expected_resname: raise KeyError( f"expected_resname={expected_resname}, but found res_name={actual_resname}." ) return ResidueIndex(res_index)
[docs] def atom( self, resid: int, atom_name: str, expected_resname: Optional[str] = None, chainid: Optional[int] = None, one_based: bool = False, ) -> AtomIndex: """ Find the :class:`AtomIndex` The indexing can be either absolute (if `chainid` is `None`), or relative to a chain (if `chainid` is set). Both `resid` and `chainid` are one-based if `one_based` is `True`, or both are zero-based if `one_based=False` (the default). If `expected_resname` is specified, error checking will be performed to ensure that the returned atom has the expected residue name. Note that the residue names are those after processing with `tleap`, so some residue names may not match their value in an input pdb file. Args: resid: the residue index to lookup atom_name: the name of the atom to lookup expected_resname: the expected residue name, usually three all-caps characters, e.g. "ALA". chainid: the chain id to lookup one_based: use one-based indexing Returns: zero-based absolute atom index """ resindex = self.residue(resid, expected_resname, chainid, one_based) return AtomIndex(self.abs_atom_index[resindex, atom_name])
[docs]def setup_indexing(topology): n_atoms = topology.getNumAtoms() atom_names = [ for atom in topology.atoms()] assert len(atom_names) == n_atoms atom_numbers = [atom.index for atom in topology.atoms()] assert len(atom_numbers) == n_atoms residue_names = [ for atom in topology.atoms()] assert len(residue_names) == n_atoms residue_numbers = [atom.residue.index for atom in topology.atoms()] assert len(residue_numbers) == n_atoms # Setup mapping of resid to resname resid_to_resname = {} for resid, resname in zip(residue_numbers, residue_names): if resid in resid_to_resname: if resid_to_resname[resid] != resname: raise RuntimeError("Inconsistient residue names") else: resid_to_resname[resid] = resname # First setup absolute indexing. # This maps from (abs_resid, name): atom_index # Everything is zero-based abs_atom_index = { (res_num, atom_name): atom_index for res_num, atom_name, atom_index in zip( residue_numbers, atom_names, atom_numbers ) } # Now setup relative residue indexing. This maps from # (chainid, rel_resid): resid. rel_residue_index = {} for i, chain in enumerate(topology.chains()): residues = list(chain.residues()) if not residues: continue min_index = min(res.index for res in residues) for res in residues: rel_residue_index[(i, res.index - min_index)] = res.index return Indexer(abs_atom_index, rel_residue_index, residue_names, resid_to_resname)