Source code for

# Copyright 2015 by Justin MacCallum, Alberto Perez, Ken Dill
# All rights reserved

Module to build AmberSubSystems from sequence or PDB file

import math
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import List

import numpy as np  # type: ignore
from openmm import app  # type: ignore

from meld.system import indexing

class _AmberSubSystem(ABC):
    Base class for other SubSystem classes.

    Provides functionality for translation/rotation and adding H-bonds.

    def __init__(self):
        self._translation_vector = np.zeros(3)
        self._rotatation_matrix = np.eye(3)
        self._disulfide_list = []
        self._general_bond = []
        self._prep_files = []
        self._frcmod_files = []
        self._lib_files = []
        self._info = []

    def prepare_for_tleap(self, mol_id: str):
        Prepare any inputs needed for tleap

            mol_id: identifier for this moleule

        This runs in a temporary directory where tleap
        will be run.

    def generate_tleap_input(self, mol_id: str) -> List[str]:
        Returns a list of tleap commands to run.

            mol_id: identifier for this moleule

            a list of telap commands

    def set_translation(self, translation_vector: np.ndarray):
        Set the translation vector.

            translation_vector: in nanometers

           Translation happens after rotation.
        self._translation_vector = np.array(translation_vector)

    def set_rotation(self, rotation_axis: np.ndarray, theta: float):
        Set the rotation.

            rotation_axis: in nanometers
            theta: angle of rotation in degrees

           Rotation happens after translation.
        theta = theta * 180 / math.pi
        rotation_axis = rotation_axis / np.linalg.norm(rotation_axis)
        a = np.cos(theta / 2.0)
        b, c, d = -rotation_axis * np.sin(theta / 2.0)
        self._rotatation_matrix = np.array(
                    a * a + b * b - c * c - d * d,
                    2 * (b * c - a * d),
                    2 * (b * d + a * c),
                    2 * (b * c + a * d),
                    a * a + c * c - b * b - d * d,
                    2 * (c * d - a * b),
                    2 * (b * d - a * c),
                    2 * (c * d + a * b),
                    a * a + d * d - b * b - c * c,

    def add_bond(
        res_index_i: indexing.ResidueIndex,
        res_index_j: indexing.ResidueIndex,
        atom_name_i: str,
        atom_name_j: str,
        bond_type: str,
        Add a general bond.

            res_index_i: index of residue i
            res_index_j: index of residue j
            atom_name_i: name of i
            atom_name_j: name of j
            bond_type:   type of bond ["S", "D", "T"...]
        assert isinstance(res_index_i, indexing.ResidueIndex)
        assert isinstance(res_index_j, indexing.ResidueIndex)
            (int(res_index_i), int(res_index_j), atom_name_i, atom_name_j, bond_type)

    def add_disulfide(
        self, res_index_i: indexing.ResidueIndex, res_index_j: indexing.ResidueIndex
        Add a disulfide bond.

            res_index_i: index of residue i
            res_index_j: index of residue j
        assert isinstance(res_index_i, indexing.ResidueIndex)
        assert isinstance(res_index_j, indexing.ResidueIndex)
        self._disulfide_list.append((int(res_index_i), int(res_index_j)))

    def add_prep_file(self, fname: str):
        Add a prep file.

        This will be needed when using residues that
        are not defined in the general amber force field

            fname: filename of prep file

    def add_frcmod_file(self, fname: str):
        Add a frcmod file.

        This will be needed when using residues that
        are not defined in the general amber force field

            fname: name of frcmod file

    def add_lib_file(self, fname: str):
        Add a lib file.

        This will be needed when using residues that
        are not defined in the general amber force field

            fname: name of lib file

    def _gen_translation_string(self, mol_id: str) -> str:
        return """translate {mol_id} {{ {x} {y} {z} }}""".format(

    def _gen_rotation_string(self, mol_id: str) -> str:
        return ""

    def _gen_bond_string(self, mol_id: str) -> List[str]:
        bond_strings = []
        for i, j, a, b, t in self._general_bond:
            d = f'bond {mol_id}.{i+1}.{a} {mol_id}.{j+1}.{b} "{t}"'
        return bond_strings

    def _gen_disulfide_string(self, mol_id: str) -> List[str]:
        disulfide_strings = []
        for i, j in self._disulfide_list:
            d = f"bond {mol_id}.{i+1}.SG {mol_id}.{j+1}.SG"
        return disulfide_strings

    def _gen_read_prep_string(self) -> List[str]:
        prep_string = []
        for p in self._prep_files:
            prep_string.append(f"loadAmberPrep {p}")
        return prep_string

    def _gen_read_frcmod_string(self) -> List[str]:
        frcmod_string = []
        for p in self._frcmod_files:
            frcmod_string.append(f"loadAmberParams {p}")
        return frcmod_string

    def _gen_read_lib_string(self) -> List[str]:
        lib_string = []
        for p in self._lib_files:
            lib_string.append(f"loadoff {p}")
        return lib_string

[docs]class AmberSubSystemFromSequence(_AmberSubSystem): """ Class to create a sub-system from sequence. This class will create a sub-system from sequence. This class is pretty dumb and relies on AmberTools to do all of the heavy lifting. The sequence is specified in Amber/Leap format. There are special NRES and CRES variants for the N- and C-termini. Different protonation states are also available via different residue names. E.g. ASH for neutral ASP. """
[docs] def __init__(self, sequence: str): """ Initialize an AmberSubSystemFromSequence Args: sequence: the sequence to build """ super(AmberSubSystemFromSequence, self).__init__() self._sequence = sequence sequence_len = len(sequence.split(" ")) chain_info = indexing._ChainInfo({i: i for i in range(sequence_len)}) self._info = indexing._SubSystemInfo(sequence_len, [chain_info])
[docs] def prepare_for_tleap(self, mol_id: str): # we don't need to do anything pass
[docs] def generate_tleap_input(self, mol_id: str): leap_cmds = [] leap_cmds.append("source leaprc.gaff") leap_cmds.extend(self._gen_read_frcmod_string()) leap_cmds.extend(self._gen_read_prep_string()) leap_cmds.extend(self._gen_read_lib_string()) leap_cmds.append(f"{mol_id} = sequence {{ {self._sequence} }}") leap_cmds.extend(self._gen_disulfide_string(mol_id)) leap_cmds.extend(self._gen_bond_string(mol_id)) leap_cmds.append(self._gen_rotation_string(mol_id)) leap_cmds.append(self._gen_translation_string(mol_id)) return leap_cmds
[docs]class AmberSubSystemFromPdbFile(_AmberSubSystem): """ Create a new susbsystem from a pdb file. This class is dumb and relies on AmberTools for the heavy lifting. Note: no processing happens to this pdb file. It must be understandable by tleap and atoms/residues may need to be added/deleted/renamed. These manipulations should happen to the file before MELD is invoked. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pdb_path: str): """ Initialize a SubSystemFromPdbFile Args: pdb_path: path to pdb file """ super(AmberSubSystemFromPdbFile, self).__init__() with open(pdb_path) as pdb_file: self._pdb_contents = pdb = app.PDBFile(pdb_path) topology = pdb.getTopology() residues = list(topology.residues()) n_residues = len(residues) # get list of chainids chainids = [] chain_to_res = defaultdict(list) for residue in residues: chainids.append( chain_to_res[].append(residue.index) chainid_set = set(chainids) # loop over the chainids in alphabetical order chains = [] for chainid in sorted(chainid_set): chain = indexing._ChainInfo( {i: j for i, j in enumerate(chain_to_res[chainid])} ) chains.append(chain) self._info = indexing._SubSystemInfo(n_residues, chains)
[docs] def prepare_for_tleap(self, mol_id): # copy the contents of the pdb file into the current working directory pdb_path = f"{mol_id}.pdb" with open(pdb_path, "w") as pdb_file: pdb_file.write(self._pdb_contents)
[docs] def generate_tleap_input(self, mol_id): leap_cmds = [] leap_cmds.append("source leaprc.gaff") leap_cmds.extend(self._gen_read_frcmod_string()) leap_cmds.extend(self._gen_read_prep_string()) leap_cmds.extend(self._gen_read_lib_string()) leap_cmds.append(f"{mol_id} = loadPdb {mol_id}.pdb") leap_cmds.extend(self._gen_bond_string(mol_id)) leap_cmds.extend(self._gen_disulfide_string(mol_id)) leap_cmds.append(self._gen_rotation_string(mol_id)) leap_cmds.append(self._gen_translation_string(mol_id)) return leap_cmds