Source code for meld.system.amber

A module to read Amber parmtop and crd files

from typing import Dict, List, Set, Tuple

import numpy as np

[docs]class CrdReader: """ Class to read in coordinates from mdcrd string """ _coords: np.ndarray _box_vectors: np.ndarray
[docs] def __init__(self, crd_string: str): """ Initialize CrdReader Args: crd_string: mdcrd string from tleap """ self.crd_string = crd_string self._read()
[docs] def get_coordinates(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Get the coordiantes Returns: coordinates, shape(n_atoms, 3) """ return self._coords
[docs] def get_box_vectors(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Get the box_vectors Returns: box vectors, shape(3, 3) """ return self._box_vectors
def _read(self): def split_len(seq, length): return [seq[i : i + length] for i in range(0, len(seq), length)] lines = self.crd_string.splitlines() n_atoms = int(lines[1].split()[0]) coords = [] box_vectors = None for line in lines[2:]: cols = split_len(line, 12) cols = [float(c) for c in cols] coords.extend(cols) # check for box vectors if len(coords) == 3 * n_atoms + 6: coords, box_vectors = coords[:-6], coords[-6:] for bv in box_vectors[-3:]: if not bv == 90.0: raise RuntimeError("box angle != 90.0 degrees") box_vectors = np.array(box_vectors[:-3]) elif not len(coords) == 3 * n_atoms: raise RuntimeError("len(coords) != 3 * n_atoms") coords = np.array(coords) coords = coords.reshape((n_atoms, 3)) / 10.0 # angstrom -> nm self._coords = coords if box_vectors is not None: self._box_vectors = box_vectors / 10.0 else: self._box_vectors = None
[docs]class ParmTopReader: """ Read in information from parmtop file """
[docs] def __init__(self, top_string: str): """ Initialize ParmTopReader Args: top_string: topology string from tleap """ self._top_string = top_string
[docs] def get_atom_names(self) -> List[str]: """ Get the atom names Returns: the name for each atom """ return self._get_parameter_block("%FLAG ATOM_NAME", chunksize=4)
[docs] def get_residue_names(self) -> List[str]: """ Get the residue names Returns: the residue name for each atom """ res_names = self._get_parameter_block("%FLAG RESIDUE_LABEL", chunksize=4) res_numbers = self.get_residue_numbers() return [res_names[i - 1] for i in res_numbers]
[docs] def get_residue_numbers(self) -> List[int]: """ Get the residue numbers Returns: the residue number for each atom """ n_atoms = int(self._get_parameter_block("%FLAG POINTERS", chunksize=8)[0]) res_pointers_str = self._get_parameter_block( "%FLAG RESIDUE_POINTER", chunksize=8 ) res_pointers = [int(p) for p in res_pointers_str] res_pointers.append(n_atoms + 1) residue_numbers: List[int] = [] for res_number, (start, end) in enumerate( zip(res_pointers[:-1], res_pointers[1:]) ): residue_numbers.extend([res_number + 1] * (int(end) - int(start))) return residue_numbers
def _get_parameter_block(self, flag: str, chunksize: int) -> List[str]: lines = self._top_string.splitlines() # find the line with our flag index_start = [i for (i, line) in enumerate(lines) if line.startswith(flag)][ 0 ] + 2 # find the index of the next flag index_end = [ i for (i, line) in enumerate(lines[index_start:]) if line and line[0] == "%" ][0] + index_start # do something useful with the data def chunks(l, n): """Yield successive n-sized chunks from l.""" for i in range(0, len(l), n): yield l[i : i + n] data = [] for line in lines[index_start:index_end]: for chunk in chunks(line, chunksize): data.append(chunk.strip()) return data
[docs] def get_bonds(self) -> Set[Tuple[int, int]]: """ Get the bonded atoms from topology Returns: The set of bonds from the topology Note: the indices are zero-based """ # the amber bonds section contains a triple of integers for each bond: # i, j, type_index. We need i, j, but will end up ignoring type_index bond_item_str = self._get_parameter_block( "%FLAG BONDS_WITHOUT_HYDROGEN", chunksize=8 ) bond_item_str += self._get_parameter_block( "%FLAG BONDS_INC_HYDROGEN", chunksize=8 ) # the bonds section of the amber file is indexed by coordinate # to get the atom index we divide by three and add one bond_items = [int(item) // 3 + 1 for item in bond_item_str] bonds = set() # take the items 3 at a time, ignoring the type_index for i, j, _ in zip(bond_items[::3], bond_items[1::3], bond_items[2::3]): # Add both orders to make life easy for callers. # Amber is 1-based, but we are 0-based. bonds.add((i - 1, j - 1)) bonds.add((j - 1, i - 1)) return bonds
[docs] def get_atom_map(self) -> Dict[Tuple[int, str], int]: """ Get the atom map Returns: the mapping from (resid, atom_name) to atom_index Note: both resid and atom_index are zero-based """ residue_numbers = [r - 1 for r in self.get_residue_numbers()] atom_names = self.get_atom_names() atom_numbers = range(len(atom_names)) return { (res_num, atom_name): atom_index for res_num, atom_name, atom_index in zip( residue_numbers, atom_names, atom_numbers ) }