Source code for

# All rights reserved

This module implements transformers that add COM restraints

import logging
from typing import List

import openmm as mm  # type: ignore
from openmm import app  # type: ignore

from meld import interfaces
from meld.runner import transform
from meld.runner.transform.restraints.util import _delete_from_always_active
from meld.system import density, mapping, options, param_sampling, restraints

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]class COMRestraintTransformer(transform.TransformerBase): """ Transformer to handle COM restraints """ force: mm.CustomCentroidBondForce
[docs] def __init__( self, param_manager: param_sampling.ParameterManager, mapper: mapping.PeakMapManager, density_manager: density.DensityManager, builder_info: dict, options: options.RunOptions, always_active_restraints: List[restraints.Restraint], selectively_active_restraints: List[restraints.SelectivelyActiveCollection], ) -> None: self.restraints = [ r for r in always_active_restraints if isinstance(r, restraints.COMRestraint) ] _delete_from_always_active(self.restraints, always_active_restraints) if len(self.restraints) > 1: raise RuntimeError("Cannot have more than one COMRestraint") if self.restraints: = True else: = False
[docs] def add_interactions( self, state: interfaces.IState, system: mm.System, topology: app.Topology ) -> mm.System: if rest = self.restraints[0] # create the expression for the energy components = [] if "x" in rest.dims: components.append("(x1-x2)*(x1-x2)") if "y" in rest.dims: components.append("(y1-y2)*(y1-y2)") if "z" in rest.dims: components.append("(z1-z2)*(z1-z2)") dist_expr = "dist = sqrt({});".format(" + ".join(components)) energy_expr = "0.5 * com_k * (dist - com_ref_dist)*(dist-com_ref_dist);" expr = "\n".join([energy_expr, dist_expr]) # create the force force = mm.CustomCentroidBondForce(2, expr) force.addPerBondParameter("com_k") force.addPerBondParameter("com_ref_dist") # create the restraint with parameters if rest.weights1: g1 = force.addGroup(rest.indices1, rest.weights1) else: g1 = force.addGroup(rest.indices1) if rest.weights2: g2 = force.addGroup(rest.indices2, rest.weights2) else: g2 = force.addGroup(rest.indices2) force_const = rest.force_const pos = rest.positioner(0) force.addBond([g1, g2], [force_const, pos]) force.setForceGroup(FORCE_GROUP) system.addForce(force) self.force = force return system
[docs] def update( self, state: interfaces.IState, simulation: app.Simulation, alpha: float, timestep: int, ) -> None: if rest = self.restraints[0] weight = rest.force_const * rest.scaler(alpha) * rest.ramp(timestep) position = rest.positioner(alpha) groups, _ = self.force.getBondParameters(0) self.force.setBondParameters(0, groups, [weight, position]) self.force.updateParametersInContext(simulation.context)
[docs]class AbsoluteCOMRestraintTransformer(transform.TransformerBase): """ Transformer to handle AbsoluteCOM restraints """ force: mm.CustomCentroidBondForce
[docs] def __init__( self, param_manager: param_sampling.ParameterManager, mapper: mapping.PeakMapManager, density_manager: density.DensityManager, builder_info: dict, options: options.RunOptions, always_active_restraints: List[restraints.Restraint], selectively_active_restraints: List[restraints.SelectivelyActiveCollection], ) -> None: self.restraints = [ r for r in always_active_restraints if isinstance(r, restraints.AbsoluteCOMRestraint) ] _delete_from_always_active(self.restraints, always_active_restraints) if len(self.restraints) > 1: raise RuntimeError("Cannot have more than one AbsoluteCOMRestraint") if self.restraints: = True else: = False
[docs] def add_interactions( self, state: interfaces.IState, system: mm.System, topology: app.Topology ) -> mm.System: if rest = self.restraints[0] # create the expression for the energy components = [] if "x" in rest.dims: components.append("(x1-abscom_x)*(x1-abscom_x)") if "y" in rest.dims: components.append("(y1-abscom_y)*(y1-abscom_y)") if "z" in rest.dims: components.append("(z1-abscom_z)*(z1-abscom_z)") dist_expr = "dist2={};".format(" + ".join(components)) energy_expr = "0.5 * com_k * dist2;" expr = "\n".join([energy_expr, dist_expr]) # create the force force = mm.CustomCentroidBondForce(1, expr) force.addPerBondParameter("com_k") force.addPerBondParameter("abscom_x") force.addPerBondParameter("abscom_y") force.addPerBondParameter("abscom_z") # create the restraint with parameters if rest.weights: g1 = force.addGroup(rest.indices, rest.weights) else: g1 = force.addGroup(rest.indices) force_const = rest.force_const pos_x = rest.position[0] pos_y = rest.position[1] pos_z = rest.position[2] force.addBond([g1], [force_const, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z]) force.setForceGroup(FORCE_GROUP) system.addForce(force) self.force = force return system
[docs] def update( self, state: interfaces.IState, simulation: app.Simulation, alpha: float, timestep: int, ) -> None: if rest = self.restraints[0] weight = rest.force_const * rest.scaler(alpha) * rest.ramp(timestep) pos_x = rest.position[0] pos_y = rest.position[1] pos_z = rest.position[2] groups, _ = self.force.getBondParameters(0) self.force.setBondParameters(0, groups, [weight, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z]) self.force.updateParametersInContext(simulation.context)