Source code for meld.helpers

Helper functions to simplify setting up a MELD calculation.

from inspect import istraceback
from typing import NamedTuple, Optional

from meld.comm import MPICommunicator
from meld.interfaces import IState, ISystem
from meld.remd.adaptor import AdaptationPolicy, EqualAcceptanceAdaptor
from meld.remd.ladder import NearestNeighborLadder
from meld.remd.leader import LeaderReplicaExchangeRunner
from meld.system.options import RunOptions
from meld.vault import DataStore

[docs]class REMDInfo(NamedTuple): remd_runner: LeaderReplicaExchangeRunner communicator: MPICommunicator n_replicas: int
[docs]def setup_replica_exchange( system: ISystem, n_replicas: int, n_steps: int, n_trials: Optional[int] = None, adaptation_growth_factor: float = 2.0, adaptation_burn_in: int = 50, adaptation_adapt_every: int = 50, adaptation_stop_after: Optional[int] = None, adaptation_min_acc_prob: float = 0.02, mpi_timeout: int = 60_000, ) -> REMDInfo: """ Setup replica exchange Args: system: The system to be simulated n_replicas: The number of replicas to be simulated n_steps: The number of steps of replica exchange to run n_trials: The number of trials to run per exchange adaptation_growth_factor: The growth factor for adaptation adaptation_burn_in: The number of steps to ignore after adapting adaptation_adapt_every: The number of steps to run between adaptation adaptation_stop_after: The number of steps to run before stopping adaptation adaptation_min_acc_prob: The minimum acceptance probability when adapting mpi_timeout: The number of seconds to wait for MPI communication to complete Note: Replica exchange adaptation works as follows. First `adaptation_burn_in` steps are run and no statistics about exchange are collected. Then `adaptation_adapt_every` steps are run and the average acceptance rate is calculated. Any acceptance rates below `adaptation_min_acc_prob` are clamped at the minimum. Then adaptation is performed to equalize the acceptance rates. After each adaptation, the values of `adaptation_burn_in` and `adaptation_adapt_every` are multiplied by `adaptation_growth_factor`. Note: If `n_trials` is `None`, then the number of trials is `n_replicas**2`. """ if n_trials is None: n_trials = n_replicas * n_replicas ladder = NearestNeighborLadder(n_trials=n_trials) policy = AdaptationPolicy( growth_factor=adaptation_growth_factor, burn_in=adaptation_burn_in, adapt_every=adaptation_adapt_every, stop_after=adaptation_stop_after, ) adaptor = EqualAcceptanceAdaptor( n_replicas=n_replicas, adaptation_policy=policy, min_acc_prob=adaptation_min_acc_prob, ) remd_runner = LeaderReplicaExchangeRunner( n_replicas=n_replicas, max_steps=n_steps, ladder=ladder, adaptor=adaptor, ) communicator = MPICommunicator( system.n_atoms, n_replicas=n_replicas, timeout=mpi_timeout ) return REMDInfo(remd_runner, communicator, n_replicas)
[docs]def setup_data_store( system: ISystem, run_options: RunOptions, remd_info: REMDInfo, block_size: int = 50 ): """ Setup the data store Args: system: The system to be simulated run_options: The run options remd_info: The replica exchange information block_size: The number of steps to store per block """ store = DataStore( state_template=system.get_state_template(), n_replicas=remd_info.n_replicas, pdb_writer=system.get_pdb_writer(), block_size=block_size, ) store.initialize(mode="w") store.save_system(system) store.save_run_options(run_options) store.save_remd_runner(remd_info.remd_runner) store.save_communicator(remd_info.communicator) def _setup_state(index): state = system.get_state_template() state.alpha = index / (remd_info.n_replicas - 1.0) return state states = [_setup_state(i) for i in range(remd_info.n_replicas)] store.save_states(states, 0) store.save_data_store()